Rescuers clustered around the plane in rubber boats more than two hours after the crash, and could be seen pulling carry-on luggage from an open plane door. 坠机两个多小时之后,救援人员乘坐橡皮艇围聚在飞机周围,可以看到他们从打开的飞机门处拖出随身携带的行李。
Most Europeans, of course, laid the blame for the crash at the door of unbridled Anglo-American capitalism only to discover their own institutions had been wholly complicit. 当然,大多数欧洲人将危机归咎于不受约束的英美资本主义,不料却发现,欧洲本土机构也统统沆瀣一气。
Their plan appears to be working when suddenly a LOUD CRASH carries the hut door off its hinges, revealing the awesome bulk of an enormous giant called Hagrid. 他们的这一计划看似可行,但是突然之间,屋门随着一声巨响从铰链上脱落下来。巨人哈格里德可怕的身影出现在那里。
After the crash, the damage was difficult family death, feelings of grief and indignation, plainclothes dumb play silly, posted on the door a big dumb characters, not people with words. 明亡后,遭国毁家亡之难,心情悲愤,便装哑扮傻,在门上贴个大哑字,不与人语。
According to John, the crash was not serious, but it made a dent in the car door and a hole in the side window frame. 据约翰说,撞车并不严重,不过车门撞凹陷了,侧面窗框撞了一个洞。